Simple ways to ruin a Christmas! Merry Christmas Oh Oh Oh! 🎅

4 min readDec 24, 2023
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Between simple, average attitudes and elaborate actions, we add a light spice of discord that will leave a grandmother desperate, a child sad, or a brother-in-law irritated with you.

Don’t forget: patience and subtlety are fundamental components for each of the items on the list, after all, being annoying is an art!

Talk about politics

Ready-made sentences, and many contradictory speeches based on opinions read on social media, are a perfect tonic for slow but perfect irritation. Mixing communist ideals with hints of extreme right into the mix is excellent. Important: don’t forget clothes with monarchical symbols or football team shirts.

Create a new religion and try to convert your relatives

If you grew up in a religious family, the kind that prayed hand in hand at Christmas dinner and lunch, then you know that faith is a controversial topic. To not disrespect any religion, create your own belief. Make pamphlets, write fervent songs, and “peculiar” rituals, such as ringing a tall bell around the house in the middle of the night. Above all: don’t forget to catechize your relatives.

Take photos (with flash) all the time




Life Lover. Travel Addict. I like to watch others and share my thoughts. ** [ aspiring digital content creation ] **