Envy. Greed. Jealousy.

4 min readApr 9, 2023
Photo by Raghuvansh Luthra on Unsplash

It is common for people to confuse envy with greed or jealousy. Although they look alike, they are different feelings. Jealousy is the fear of losing something that the individual believes to be theirs alone — a material good, a best friend or friend, a family member, a partner, etc. The jealous person feels insecure or threatened with losing the other person in the relationship or his object, generating an exacerbated feeling of possession.

Covetousness is wanting something that the other has. It could be a car or a house, for example, or a haircut, clothing, or even personal conduct. But without wishing harm to the other individual.

Envy, as explained, is a feeling of hatred or regret provoked by the well-being or prosperity of another, in addition to a very strong desire to enjoy some good possessed or enjoyed by another person.

These three feelings are common to all of us. However, envy is the only thing that has nothing positive, because the envious person wants to destroy what the other has, he is happy with the unhappiness of the other.

Why do we feel envy?

Photo by Sander Sammy on Unsplash




Life Lover. Travel Addict. I like to watch others and share my thoughts. ** [ aspiring digital content creation ] **