Crying is good for your health and improves your mood.

2 min readOct 17, 2023
Photo by Elyas Pasban on Unsplash

As a unique human phenomenon, crying is a natural response to a variety of emotions, from deep sadness, through grief, to extreme happiness. But is it good for your health?

It seems the answer is “yes”.

The benefits of crying have been known for many centuries. The thinkers and doctors of ancient Greece and Rome believed that tears worked as a purgative, draining and purifying us. Today’s psychological thinking completely agrees, emphasizing the role of crying as a mechanism that allows us to relieve stress and emotional pain.

In addition to helping us understand that there is a problem and receiving support from those around us, crying is good for our health. Read on to find out exactly how:

Eliminates toxins from the body
There are three types of tears:

Emotional: a physical way of showing and processing emotions — good and bad — that we all share;

Basal (also known as continuous): help keep our eyes hydrated and, in turn, help us see clearly;

Reflexive: they are generally a response to some type of immediate irritation, such as cutting an onion or applying makeup to one of the eyes.




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